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“Every Little Bit Helps” – How Some PA Towns Use Impact Fee Money

As we report in a companion post today, Pennsylvania is currently dishing out close to $180 million in impact fees raised from 2023 shale activity — PA’s version of a severance tax (see PA PUC Distributes 2023 Impact Fee – Revenue Dropped $99M YOY). As the name implies, some 60% of the money raised goes to the counties and municipalities where drilling happens, those “impacted” by shale drilling. The other 40% goes to the black hole of Harrisburg for redistribution to various state agencies and the other counties with no shale drilling. Let’s look at how some counties and towns will spend the money coming their way.
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PA Sen. Gene Yaw, in Heart of Marcellus, Supports Severance Tax

PA State Sen. Gene Yaw

How the voters of northeast Pennsylvania who support shale energy continue to reelect Gene Yaw as their State Senator is beyond us. He’s proven in the past that he will fold like a cheap suit on the issue of a severance tax. He did so once again yesterday, implying he supports Democrat Gov. Wolf’s latest effort to tax the shale industry into oblivion.
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UGI Sunbury Pipeline Gets FERC Approval, Built by November?

UGI Marcellus assets map
UGI Marcellus assets map – click for larger version

Contrary to the lies spread by anti-pipeline groups like THE Delaware Riverkeeper, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is no rubber stamp for the oil and gas industry. In December 2014 Pennsylvania utility company UGI pre-filed an application to build a new 35-mile pipeline to feed a natgas-powered electric generating plant in Snyder County, PA (see UGI Pre-Files with FERC for New Marcellus Pipeline in Central PA and UGI Building 35-Mile Pipeline for Panda Power Electric Plant). The project was estimated to cost $150 million–money that goes into the local economy. It took long enough, but last week the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) finally approved the project. The 20-inch Sunbury Pipeline will start in Lycoming County and travel through Montour, Union, and Northumberland counties, cross the Susquehanna River and ending up at Hummel Station Plant in Shamokin Dam in Synder County…
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Marcellus Shale Gas Road Show Visits Union County, PA

Last Friday approximately 100 business leaders gathered in Lewisburg (Union County), PA for the “Think About Energy” briefing hosted by America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA), UGI Utilities, Inc., UGI Energy Services and the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce. The energy briefing is the seventh such briefing in a series being held throughout PA over the past year. The briefings focus on the supply outlook for natural gas and natural gas liquids, as well provide information on production, consumption trends, utilization opportunities and infrastructure developments. That is–the briefings help those who own or run businesses use and profit from the availability of cheap, abundant Marcellus Shale gas and figure out how to plug into the supply chain. Such sessions are not uncommon. What is uncommon about this session is it’s location–Union County–which is south of Lycoming County and east of Centre County. Union has not (yet) seen a single Marcellus Shale well drilled…
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