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DEP Permits for NWPA FM100 Pipeline – Marcellus Gas to Transco

In March we told you about National Fuel Gas Company’s (NFG) FM100 Project in northwestern Pennsylvania that will beef up and extend an existing pipeline network to flow an extra 330 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of Marcellus gas to Williams’ mighty Transco Pipeline (see NFG FM100 Pipe Project in NW PA to Feed Marcellus Gas to Transco). The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) published notices in last weekend’s PA Bulletin of their intent to issue permits for the project.
Read More “DEP Permits for NWPA FM100 Pipeline – Marcellus Gas to Transco”

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NY DEC Asks Federal Court to Overturn FERC Approval of NY Pipe

Last August the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a decision overruling the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to allow National Fuel Gas Company’s Northern Access Pipeline project to proceed (see Big News: FERC Overrules NY DEC to Approve Northern Access Pipe). The DEC subsequently asked FERC to reconsider the decision. FERC did, and ruled in April that they were right the first time–the DEC forfeited the right to issue permits for the project by taking too long (see FERC Overrules NY DEC on Northern Access Pipeline Rehearing). The DEC has just appealed FERC’s ruling to the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
Read More “NY DEC Asks Federal Court to Overturn FERC Approval of NY Pipe”

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NFG Asks FERC to Begin Construction on Empire North Pipe Project

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In March the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a request by National Fuel Gas Company subsidiary Empire Pipeline to build two new compressor stations along the Empire Pipeline–one in Tioga County, PA, the other in Ontario County, NY–to flow an extra 205 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of yummy fracked PA gas into the Empire State (see FERC Approves Empire Pipe Request for 2 New Compressors in PA, NY). Empire is ready to begin construction and has asked FERC for approval to start.
Read More “NFG Asks FERC to Begin Construction on Empire North Pipe Project”

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FERC Overrules NY DEC on Northern Access Pipeline Rehearing

Last August the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a decision overruling the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to allow National Fuel Gas Company’s Northern Access Pipeline project to proceed (see Big News: FERC Overrules NY DEC to Approve Northern Access Pipe). The DEC subsequently asked FERC to reconsider the decision. FERC did, and ruled on Tuesday that they were right the first time–the DEC forfeited the right to issue permits for the project by taking too long.
Read More “FERC Overrules NY DEC on Northern Access Pipeline Rehearing”

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NFG CEO Tanski Retiring in July, Replacement Named

David P. Bauer – NFG’s next CEO

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) is headquartered in Western New York State, operating drilling subsidiary Seneca Resources and pipeline subsidiary Empire Pipeline. Via Seneca Resources, NFG drills wells in northcentral and northwestern PA. Via Empire Pipeline, they build and maintain hundreds of miles of pipelines. Big company. Important company. NFG’s CEO, Ronald Tanski, has just announced he’ll retire in July.
Read More “NFG CEO Tanski Retiring in July, Replacement Named”

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FERC Compressor Stn Hearing Near Wilkes-Barre Turns Up 1 Anti

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is conducting a series of four public meetings (called scoping sessions) for both the Williams Leidy South Project (see Williams Planning 2 New, 2 Upgraded Compressor Stations in NEPA) and the National Fuel Gas Company FM100 Project (see NFG FM100 Pipe Project in NW PA to Feed Marcellus Gas to Transco). Both projects work together to flow more Marcellus gas to the Transco Zone 6 region.
Read More “FERC Compressor Stn Hearing Near Wilkes-Barre Turns Up 1 Anti”

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FERC Approves Empire Pipe Request for 2 New Compressors in PA, NY

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Well well well–this news is sure to ruin the day of irrational fossil fuel haters in New York and Pennsylvania. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) last week approved a request by National Fuel Gas Company subsidiary Empire Pipeline to build two new compressor stations along the Empire Pipeline–one in Tioga County, PA, the other in Ontario County, NY, to flow an extra 205 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of yummy fracked PA gas into the Empire State (don’t tell Cuomo).
Read More “FERC Approves Empire Pipe Request for 2 New Compressors in PA, NY”

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NFG FM100 Pipe Project in NW PA to Feed Marcellus Gas to Transco

We’ve just caught wind of a “new” pipeline project coming from National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) in northwestern Pennsylvania that will beef up and extend an existing pipeline network to flow an extra 330 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of Marcellus gas to Williams’ mighty Transco Pipeline. It’s called the FM100 Project. Kind of sources like a radio station, no?
Read More “NFG FM100 Pipe Project in NW PA to Feed Marcellus Gas to Transco”

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Light at End of Tunnel for Constitution, Northern Access Pipelines

Earlier this month MDN told you about a DC Circuit Court of Appeals decision that gives both the Constitution Pipeline and Northern Access Pipeline projects reason for hope (see Recent Fed Court Decision Gives NY Pipes Hope for Bypassing Cuomo). Both pipeline projects run from Pennsylvania into New York State, and both are being blocked for political purposes by NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Read More “Light at End of Tunnel for Constitution, Northern Access Pipelines”

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Federal Court Slaps Down NY DEC Rejection of Northern Access Pipe

The New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC), thoroughly corrupted by, and a political tool of, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, continues to have a bad week. Monday we told you about a recent court decision that gives new hope for both the Constitution and Northern Access Pipeline projects (see Recent Fed Court Decision Gives NY Pipes Hope for Bypassing Cuomo). A second court decision has just been issued that allows Northern Access to take a huge step forward.
Read More “Federal Court Slaps Down NY DEC Rejection of Northern Access Pipe”

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Recent Fed Court Decision Gives NY Pipes Hope for Bypassing Cuomo

A huge crack of sunshine has just shown through the court system with respect to pipeline projects. A case decided on Jan. 25 in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals which technically has nothing to do with either the Williams Constitution Pipeline project nor the National Fuel Gas Company Northern Access Pipeline project (both being blocked by New York State), may be the one court decision to break open the logjam and allow both projects to begin construction.
Read More “Recent Fed Court Decision Gives NY Pipes Hope for Bypassing Cuomo”

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Northern Access Pipe Gets 3-Year Extension to Build in NY

Speaking of National Fuel Gas Company’s Northern Access Pipeline project, NFG asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) last November to extend the project timeline by an extra three years, to give them more time to fight with Cuomo in court and actually get the pipeline built once lawsuits from the state are exhausted (see NFG Asks FERC for Extra 3 Yrs to Build Northern Access Pipe in NY). Last Thursday FERC granted that request.
Read More “Northern Access Pipe Gets 3-Year Extension to Build in NY”

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NFG Qtly Update: PA Production Up 28%, 7 New Utica Wells Online

Last week National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), headquartered in Western New York State (operates drilling subsidiary Seneca Resources and pipeline subsidiary Empire Pipeline), issued its first quarter 2019–everyone else’s fourth quarter 2018–update. Via Seneca Resources, NFG drills wells in northcentral and northwestern PA. Via Empire Pipeline, they build and maintain hundreds of miles of pipelines.
Read More “NFG Qtly Update: PA Production Up 28%, 7 New Utica Wells Online”

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NFG Asks FERC for Extra 3 Yrs to Build Northern Access Pipe in NY

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Four years ago National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) proposed and filed to build the Northern Access Pipeline project–a $500 million project that includes building 97 miles of new pipeline along a power line corridor from northwestern Pennsylvania up to Erie County, NY. The project also calls for 3 miles of new pipeline further up, in Niagara County, along with a new compressor station in the Town of Pendleton (also in Niagara County). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted final approval for the project in February of 2017 (see NFG’s Northern Access Pipe in NY/PA Gets FERC Approval). However, in April 2017, the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) ruled against granting the project stream crossing permits, effectively killing it, at least for now (see Cuomo’s Corrupt NY DEC Blocks NFG Northern Access Pipeline Permit).
Read More “NFG Asks FERC for Extra 3 Yrs to Build Northern Access Pipe in NY”

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NY State Court Denies Northern Access Pipe Eminent Domain

Another bump in the road for National Fuel Gas Company and their Northern Access Expansion pipeline project. Not a major hurdle. Not an apocalypse. Not the end of the line. A bump. The Appellate Division of New York State Supreme Court (in NY, Supreme Court is a low court, one step up from county court), overturned the decision of the lower Supreme Court granting NFG the power of eminent domain to build Northern Access, a project not scheduled to get built until 2022. The attorney who won the case against NFG proclaimed without eminent domain, “The pipeline is dead.” We say he’s dead wrong.
Read More “NY State Court Denies Northern Access Pipe Eminent Domain”

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Game On: NFG Accepts US EPA “Methane Challenge”

We’re not much of a fan of the federal Environmental Protection Agency–especially the agency under the jackboots of the Obamadroids. The Obama years saw egregious abuses and wild new regulations that tried to stamp out the fossil fuel industry. In March 2016, we told you about a new “voluntary” program set up by the Obama EPA called the Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program (see Dominion & NiSource Bow Down to Lord Obama, Worship the EPA). The program is aimed at trying to reduce the amount of so-called fugitive methane escaping into the atmosphere from oil and gas sources (never mind far more methane escapes into the atmosphere from the agriculture industry than oil and gas, such facts just get in the way of partisan politics). We’re still not sure we like the program, but it has (at least for now) remained voluntary. NFG, National Fuel Gas Company, with all five of its subsidiary companies, has just signed on to the program–to prove their dedication as good stewards of environmental resources.
Read More “Game On: NFG Accepts US EPA “Methane Challenge””