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NFG/Seneca Resources Goes Whole Hog on ESG – New Cert & GHG Target

Another great company succumbs to the siren call of ESG (environmental, social, governance). A week ago we told you that Seneca Resources, the drilling arm of utility giant National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), had signed up with Project Canary to certify its natural gas as responsibly sourced (see Seneca Resources Jumps on “Responsibly Sourced Gas” Bandwagon). A few days ago Seneca announced it will also seek Equitable Origin’s EO100™ Standard for Responsible Energy Development to certify 100% of its Marcellus/Utica gas. And yesterday NFG announced a new so-called greenhouse gas emissions goal target for 2030.
Read More “NFG/Seneca Resources Goes Whole Hog on ESG – New Cert & GHG Target”

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M-U Gas Pipeline Flows Hit All-Time High – Coming Constraints

The experts at RBN Energy continue their series of blog posts about pipelines that flow Marcellus/Utica gas to other regions with a look at two pipelines that connect directly to Canada: Tennessee Gas Pipeline and Empire Pipeline. In this post we learn that natural gas flows from the M-U over this past weekend hit a new record high of 17.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). We also learn M-U pipelines flowed an average of 16.7 Bcf/d in April–an all-time high for any month! The problem is we’re now maxed out and need more pipelines.
Read More “M-U Gas Pipeline Flows Hit All-Time High – Coming Constraints”

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NFG’s Northern Access Pipe Wins “Final” Court Case Against NY

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The final hurdle for National Fuel Gas Company’s (NFG) Northern Access Pipeline as it travels through New York State has fallen. Yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled that yes, New York (according to federal guidelines) waived its right to grant a Section 401 water crossing permit under the federal Clean Water Act when NY declined to rule on the permit application within one calendar year. That means NFG can now proceed with the project, although the company previously said they would not begin to build until 2022.
Read More “NFG’s Northern Access Pipe Wins “Final” Court Case Against NY”

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FERC Denies Time Extension to Build PA to NY Northern Access Pipe

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), the utility and midstream giant based in Buffalo, NY, remains committed to building it’s Northern Access Pipeline project, a $500 million project that includes building 97 miles of new pipeline along a power line corridor from northwestern Pennsylvania up to Erie County, NY. The project also calls for 3 miles of new pipeline further up, in Niagara County, along with a new compressor station in the Town of Pendleton.
Read More “FERC Denies Time Extension to Build PA to NY Northern Access Pipe”

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NFG: More PA Fracked Gas to NY Coming Online Next Few Months

NFG’s Empire North project (click for larger version)

Late last week National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), the parent company of Marcellus/Utica driller Seneca Resources and midstream company Empire Pipeline, issued its third-quarter (everyone else’s second quarter) financial and operational update. Among the things we learned: Seneca dropped to using a single drilling rig in June and shut-in some of its Marcellus/Utica production. That strategy remains in place for the foreseeable future, according to NFG’s top brass.
Read More “NFG: More PA Fracked Gas to NY Coming Online Next Few Months”

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Another Outrage: PA AG Charges NFG with Crimes for Pipe Accident

This absolutely must stop. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is completely out of control and abusing his power as AG. He has charged a third Marcellus/Utica company, National Fuel Gas Company, with crimes because of a few minor cases of erosion runoff during the installation of a pipeline in Washington County, PA. Since when is erosion a CRIME?
Read More “Another Outrage: PA AG Charges NFG with Crimes for Pipe Accident”

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FERC Approves Williams Leidy South & NFG FM100 Pipeline Projects

In December 2018 Williams announced a new project to increase capacity along the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line (Transco) in PA by an extra 582,400 dekatherms (582 million cubic feet) per day. Williams officially filed a request with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to build the “Leidy South Project” in August 2019 (see Williams Files Leidy South Project with FERC to Expand PA Transco). Great news: On Friday, FERC approved the Leidy South Project. FERC also approved a second project that works hand-in-glove with the Leidy project: National Fuel Gas Company’s FM100 project.
Read More “FERC Approves Williams Leidy South & NFG FM100 Pipeline Projects”

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Federal Judge Overrules NY Town to Allow NFG Compressor Station

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National Fuel Gas Company’s (NFG) $500 million Northern Access Pipeline project aims to build 97 miles of new pipeline along a power line corridor from northwestern Pennsylvania up to Erie County, NY to flow PA Marcellus fracked shale gas into the Empire State. The project also calls for 3 miles of new pipeline and a compressor station in Niagara County, NY. The Town of Pendleton, where the compressor station will be located, has refused to issue a permit for the station. Yesterday a federal judge overruled the town and said NFG can move forward with construction of the compressor station when it’s ready to do so.
Read More “Federal Judge Overrules NY Town to Allow NFG Compressor Station”

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NY’s Highest Court Approves Eminent Domain for NFG Pipeline

A landowner in Allegany County, NY who tried to block National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) from crossing her property with its Northern Access Pipeline to flow PA fracked gas into the Empire State, has failed. Last week New York’s highest court, called the State Court of Appeals, overturned a lower court ruling. The high court decision clears the way for NFG to use eminent domain to cross the woman’s property when (not if) the pipeline gets built.
Read More “NY’s Highest Court Approves Eminent Domain for NFG Pipeline”

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NFG 1Q20: Production Up 24%, Dropping Back to 1 Rig

Late last week National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), the parent company of Marcellus/Utica driller Seneca Resources, issued its second-quarter (everyone else’s first quarter) financial and operational update. The company’s natural gas production increased 10.7 billion cubic feet (Bcf), up 24%, due primarily to production from new Marcellus and Utica wells completed and connected to sales. The production increase is all the more impressive because Seneca curtailed (shut-in) 2.7 Bcf of natural gas production during the quarter due to lower spot prices at sales points in Pennsylvania.
Read More “NFG 1Q20: Production Up 24%, Dropping Back to 1 Rig”

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Judge Rules Against NY DEC to Allow Northern Access Pipe

While the Andrew Cuomo-corrupted New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) can claim a victory in stopping the much-needed Constitution Pipeline (see Sad Day: Williams Declares Constitution Pipeline Project Dead), an equally important pipeline project aimed at flowing PA’s fracked gas into New York State, being built by National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), just won an important court victory over the DEC’s disgusting efforts to block it too. An NY Supreme Court judge has ruled NFG’s Northern Access Pipeline is regulated (given permission to build) by the federal government, NOT by the DEC–and can now go forward.
Read More “Judge Rules Against NY DEC to Allow Northern Access Pipe”

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NFG 4Q – Low Gas Price Good for Customers, Not for Company

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), headquartered in Western New York (near Buffalo), is the only remaining fully integrated energy company left in the Marcellus/Utica region–maybe in the country. Meaning they are the only company that drills for the energy (oil and gas), pipelines the energy they discover to market (midstream), and is also the utility company that delivers the energy to end users. Big company. Important company. NFG’s drilling arm is called Seneca Resources, and their pipeline/midstream arm is Empire Pipeline. Last Friday NFG issued its quarterly (and full year) update. Both Seneca and Empire got talked about.
Read More “NFG 4Q – Low Gas Price Good for Customers, Not for Company”

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NFG’s New CEO David Bauer Schools Reporter on Benefits of NatGas

NFG’s new CEO David Bauer

Last week National Fuel Gas Company’s new CEO David Bauer, who just took the reins of the company from the previous CEO Ronald Tanski in July (see NFG CEO Tanski Retiring in July, Replacement Named), attended a luncheon in Erie, PA. He spoke to a local reporter to answer questions about NFG and the industry at large. Although NFG is a large utility company, it also owns Seneca Resources, a shale driller, and Empire Pipeline. The conversation with the reporter mostly centered on shale questions.
Read More “NFG’s New CEO David Bauer Schools Reporter on Benefits of NatGas”

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NFG On Track to Build Northern Access Pipe in NY in 2022/23

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), the utility and midstream giant based in Buffalo, NY, remains committed to building it’s Northern Access Pipeline project, a $500 million project that includes building 97 miles of new pipeline along a power line corridor from northwestern Pennsylvania up to Erie County, NY. The project also calls for 3 miles of new pipeline further up, in Niagara County, along with a new compressor station in the Town of Pendleton. Although New York State (under the profoundly corrupt Andrew Cuomo) continues to try and block the project, NFG says they will build it–in the 2022-23 time frame.
Read More “NFG On Track to Build Northern Access Pipe in NY in 2022/23”

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Cuomo DEC Once Again Denies Northern Access Pipe Permit

Once again the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC), a corrupt political tool in the hands of an autocratic governor, Andrew Cuomo, has issued a denial of a federal Clean Water Act Section 401 water crossing permit for the National Fuel Gas Company’s Northern Access Pipeline project. Fortunately, DEC’s rejection doesn’t mean a hill of beans since the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) overruled the DEC last year.
Read More “Cuomo DEC Once Again Denies Northern Access Pipe Permit”

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NFG Dropping a Rig Amid Low Gas Prices, Focus on Pipes

Last week National Fuel Gas Company (NFG), headquartered in Western New York State (operates drilling subsidiary Seneca Resources and pipeline subsidiary Empire Pipeline), issued its quarterly update. The company says it plans to cut back on its natural gas drilling in central and western Pennsylvania next year from three rigs to two, but will increase investment and work on pipelines.
Read More “NFG Dropping a Rig Amid Low Gas Prices, Focus on Pipes”