NFG Calls Cuomo DEC Denial of Northern Access Pipe “Troubling”
Yesterday we brought you the sad (and angering) news that once again Gov. Andrew Cuomo has caved to political pressure from environmental Nazis and instructed the now-corrupted Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny stream crossing permits for National Fuel Gas Company’s Northern Access Pipeline project (see Cuomo’s Corrupt NY DEC Blocks NFG Northern Access Pipeline Permit). NFG issued a statement yesterday. They pointed out the following: NFG’s pipeline project would have FAR LESS impact on the environment “than either exploding an entire bridge structure and dropping it into Cattaraugus Creek (Route 219) or developing and continuously operating a massive construction zone in the middle of the Hudson River (Tappan Zee Bridge) for a minimum of five years.” Both of those projects were reviewed and approved by Cuomo’s DEC. NFG points out the utter and complete hypocrisy in the DEC decision. The DEC held talks with NFG about the project for 34 months without proffering major objections. And at the eleventh hour, they pulled this stunt. Without saying so overtly, the NFG statement says Cuomo yanked on the DEC’s chain to make a political decision. While there is no mention of a lawsuit against the DEC, you can bet your bottom dollar such a suit is coming…
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