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2 Parallel Miss. Pipes Promise to Flow More M-U Molecules for LNG


Last December, MDN told you about two new pipeline projects that cross the state of Mississippi that promise to bring more Marcellus/Utica molecules to LNG export facilities in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. Boardwalk Pipelines wants to build the 110-mile Kosciusko Junction Pipeline Project (see Boardwalk FID on Pipe to Carry M-U, Haynesville Gas to Southeast). A few days later, Kinder Morgan announced the 206-mile Mississippi Crossing Project (see TGP Announces FID on New 206-Mile Mississippi Crossing Pipe Project). Although the length of the pipelines is quite different, they run on an approximately parallel course across Mississippi. Read More “2 Parallel Miss. Pipes Promise to Flow More M-U Molecules for LNG”

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TGP Announces FID on New 206-Mile Mississippi Crossing Pipe Project

We have news of a brand new greenfield pipeline project (a rarity these days) that has the potential to flow Marcellus/Utica molecules to the Southeastern U.S. Yesterday, Kinder Morgan’s mighty Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) subsidiary announced a final investment decision (FID) to build the Mississippi Crossing Project (MSX Project) after securing long-term, binding transportation agreements with customers for all the capacity. The $1.4 billion project involves the construction of nearly 206 miles of 42-inch and 36-inch pipeline and two new compressor stations aimed at flowing 1.5 Bcf/d of natural gas. MSX will compete with another recently announced project, the Kosciusko Junction Pipeline Project from Boardwalk (see Boardwalk FID on Pipe to Carry M-U, Haynesville Gas to Southeast). Read More “TGP Announces FID on New 206-Mile Mississippi Crossing Pipe Project”

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6th Circuit Blocks 32-Mile Cumberland Pipeline to TVA TN Power Plant

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (6th Circuit) slammed the brakes on a pipeline project in Tennessee on Friday. In January, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a certificate of public convenience for Kinder Morgan’s Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) subsidiary to build the Cumberland Project, a 32-mile, 30-inch pipeline to feed 245 MMcf/d of natural gas (from the Marcellus/Utica) to the Tennessee Valey Authority’s (TVA) proposed Cumberland gas-fired power plant. Read More “6th Circuit Blocks 32-Mile Cumberland Pipeline to TVA TN Power Plant”

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DC Circuit Rules Against FWW in KM Pipeline Expansion to NYC

Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s (TGP) plan to flow an extra 115 MMcf/d of Marcellus gas to Westchester County, NY, and New York City to be used for Consolidated Edison customers is called the East 300 Upgrade Project. The project took a giant leap forward in April 2022 when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued permits that allow TGP to upgrade two existing compressor stations (in PA), and build a brand new compressor station in West Milford (Passaic County, NJ), just across the border and not far from Westchester County (see FERC Issues Compressor Permits for TGP’s East 300 Upgrade in NY, NJ). The odious (and misnamed) Food & Water Watch (FWW), a far-left, very radical group, challenged FERC’s approval of East 300 with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (see Food & Water Watch Sues FERC to Block KM Pipe Expansion to NYC). The D.C. Circuit ruled against FWW on Friday.
Read More “DC Circuit Rules Against FWW in KM Pipeline Expansion to NYC”

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Big Green Sues FERC to Block 32-Mile Pipe to TVA TN Power Plant

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is the sixth-largest power supplier and the largest public utility in the country. In 2021, MDN told you that TVA is spending over $1 billion to replace six coal-fired plants with natgas-fired turbines (see TVA Investing $1B to Build New Natgas-Fired Electric Plants). In late 2022, TVA recommended moving forward with replacing one of the six — a coal-fired plant located near Cumberland City — with a natural gas combined-cycle power plant (see TVA Recommends Replacing Cumberland Coal Plant w/Natural Gas). In January of this year, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a certificate of public convenience for Kinder Morgan’s Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) subsidiary to build the Cumberland Project, a pipeline to feed the TVA’s proposed Cumberland gas-fired plant (see FERC Approves 32-Mile Cumberland Pipeline to TVA TN Power Plant). Big Green is suing FERC to overturn its decision to allow the pipeline.
Read More “Big Green Sues FERC to Block 32-Mile Pipe to TVA TN Power Plant”

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FERC Approves 32-Mile Cumberland Pipeline to TVA TN Power Plant

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is the sixth-largest power supplier and the largest public utility in the country. In 2021, MDN told you that TVA is spending over $1 billion to replace six coal-fired plants with natgas-fired turbines (see TVA Investing $1B to Build New Natgas-Fired Electric Plants). In late 2022, TVA recommended moving forward with replacing one of the six — a coal-fired plant located near Cumberland City — with a natural gas combined-cycle power plant (see TVA Recommends Replacing Cumberland Coal Plant w/Natural Gas). Last Thursday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a certificate of public convenience for Kinder Morgan’s Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) subsidiary to build the Cumberland Project, a pipeline to feed the TVA’s proposed Cumberland gas-fired plant.
Read More “FERC Approves 32-Mile Cumberland Pipeline to TVA TN Power Plant”

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DC Circuit Dismisses Case Against TGP Brought by Antero & EQT

Shippers, including drillers, utility companies, and others that buy and sell natural gas, are now free to buy and sell producer-certified gas (PCG) or responsibly sourced gas (RSG) at all pooling points across the Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) system following a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (DC Circuit). The judges of the DC Circuit dismissed a case brought by Antero Resources and EQT Corporation attempting to block TGP’s plan. We will explain.
Read More “DC Circuit Dismisses Case Against TGP Brought by Antero & EQT”

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TGP East 300 NJ Gas Compressor Powers Up! Antis Throw a Tantrum

Sometimes, the only place you can find important news is from your opponents. Example: The radicals of Food & Water Watch (far-left “environmental” organization) ran an op-ed appearing on NorthJersey.com that is the equivalent of a printed temper tantrum decrying the news that a compressor station project they thought they had stopped is, in fact, now up and running. The compressor in West Milford, NJ, is part of Kinder Morgan’s Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) East 300 expansion project, an upgrade of TGP to deliver an extra 115 MMcf/d of natural gas to Consolidated Edison and its customers in New York City and surrounding suburbs. East 300 is a FERC-approved project (see FERC Issues Compressor Permits for TGP’s East 300 Upgrade in NY, NJ).
Read More “TGP East 300 NJ Gas Compressor Powers Up! Antis Throw a Tantrum”

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Antis Convince NJ Superior Court to Block East 300 Gas Compressor

New Jersey is a Communist state, controlled by Communists from the Governor on down to radical judges packing its courts. Yesterday, three Commie judges from the Superior Court of NJ ruled that the state Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) should not have issued an exemption to the Highlands Act to Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) to build a new compressor station in West Milford. The compressor is part of the TGP East 300 expansion project, an upgrade of TGP to deliver an extra 115 MMcf/d of natural gas to Consolidated Edison and its customers in New York City and surrounding suburbs. East 300 is a FERC-approved project (see FERC Issues Compressor Permits for TGP’s East 300 Upgrade in NY, NJ).
Read More “Antis Convince NJ Superior Court to Block East 300 Gas Compressor”

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TGP Compressor Station Explosion, Fire in TN Causes Force Majeure

Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) experienced an explosion and fire at Compressor Station 860 near Centerville (Hickman County), TN, last Friday around 8:30 a.m. The location is about 60 miles southwest of Nashville. The explosion blew out the upper tier of the walls of the building. One employee experienced a medical emergency not directly related to the blast and was taken to an area hospital. That employee has since been discharged. The six on-site employees during the incident are okay and accounted for. A one-mile evacuation was ordered but lifted later in the day on Friday.
Read More “TGP Compressor Station Explosion, Fire in TN Causes Force Majeure”

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FERC Issues Final EIS for Cumberland Pipeline to TN Power Plant

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a federally-owned electric utility corporation in the U.S. TVA’s service area covers all of Tennessee, portions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky, and small areas of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. TVA is the sixth-largest power supplier and the largest public utility in the country. In 2021, MDN told you that TVA is spending over $1 billion to replace six coal-fired plants with natgas-fired turbines (see TVA Investing $1B to Build New Natgas-Fired Electric Plants). Late last year, TVA recommended moving forward with replacing one of the six–a coal-fired plant located near Cumberland City–with a natural gas combined-cycle power plant (see TVA Recommends Replacing Cumberland Coal Plant w/Natural Gas). On June 30, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a favorable, final environmental impact statement (EIS) for a pipeline to connect the plant to bountiful M-U molecules.
Read More “FERC Issues Final EIS for Cumberland Pipeline to TN Power Plant”

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Kinder Morgan Begins Work on 3rd/Last East 300 Pipe Compressor

Quarterly earnings season is upon us once again. Seems like we just went through it three months ago! (That’s a joke, folks.) One of the first major oil and gas companies to announce quarterly earnings for the first quarter of 2023 is pipeline giant Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI). Given that KMI has multiple assets and new projects spread across the country, we’re not going to summarize the quarterly update. Instead, we are interested in and will focus on one particular project–the East 300 Upgrade Project, an upgrade of the Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) to deliver 115 MMcf/d of capacity to Consolidated Edison and its customers in New York City and surrounding suburbs.
Read More “Kinder Morgan Begins Work on 3rd/Last East 300 Pipe Compressor”

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Kinder Morgan Begins Work on 2 of 3 East 300 Pipeline Compressors

Kinder Morgan issued its fourth quarter 2022 update yesterday. Among the news updates, we learned that work on two of three compressor station projects along the Tennessee Gas Pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (near New York City) is now underway. There was also some big news about top management shuffles. CEO Steve Kean is retiring, setting off a game of musical chairs (or musical ladders) with existing employees moving up the ladder at the company.
Read More “Kinder Morgan Begins Work on 2 of 3 East 300 Pipeline Compressors”

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Gas Haters Protest as New Emissions-Free Compressor is Built in NJ

In April of this year, Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s (TGP) plan to flow more Marcellus gas to Westchester County, NY, and to New York City, called the East 300 Upgrade Project, took a giant leap forward when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued permits that allow TGP to upgrade two existing compressor stations (in PA), and build a brand new compressor station in West Milford (Passaic County, NJ), just across the border and not far from Westchester County (see FERC Issues Compressor Permits for TGP’s East 300 Upgrade in NY, NJ). TGP is beginning the work to build the new compressor in West Milford, which prompted a small group of Food & Water Watch protesters to assemble and mouth off on Saturday.
Read More “Gas Haters Protest as New Emissions-Free Compressor is Built in NJ”

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Food & Water Watch Sues FERC to Block KM Pipe Expansion to NYC

Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s (TGP) plan to flow more Marcellus gas to Westchester County, NY, and New York City, to be used for Consolidated Edison customers, is called the East 300 Upgrade Project. The East 300 project took a giant leap forward in April when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued permits that allow TGP to upgrade two existing compressor stations (in PA), and build a brand new compressor station in West Milford (Passaic County, NJ), just across the border and not far from Westchester County (see FERC Issues Compressor Permits for TGP’s East 300 Upgrade in NY, NJ). No good deed goes unpunished. The odious (and misnamed) Food & Water Watch, a far-left, very radical group, is challenging FERC’s approval of East 300 with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Read More “Food & Water Watch Sues FERC to Block KM Pipe Expansion to NYC”

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Kinder Morgan Provides Half of Feed Gas to LNG Export Terminals

Pipeline giant Kinder Morgan (KM) issued its second quarter update and held a conference call on Wednesday with analysts. Kinder’s upper management had some VERY interesting things to say about LNG and how LNG is driving Kinder’s expansion plans in the coming years. Here’s a fascinating statistic we didn’t know before reading comments by Kinder’s muckety mucks: Roughly half of all the natural gas delivered to the U.S.’s LNG export plants is delivered via Kinder Morgan pipelines.
Read More “Kinder Morgan Provides Half of Feed Gas to LNG Export Terminals”