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NY’s Green Laws Forcing Gas Customers to Switch to Dirtier Oil

Their policies and laws of the left end up costing the average person big money and result in the opposite of what those policies and laws were intended to produce. New York Governor Kathy Hochul and her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo (both far-left Democrats), have shoved the Big Green agenda down the throats of New Yorkers for years. Their laws and policies have sought to eliminate the use of natural gas and force the use of electricity as the preferred energy source instead. Here’s a concrete example of how those policies have produced the exact opposite of what they profess to seek. The New York Post has an article about a New York City landlord forced to give up clean, efficient natural gas to heat his apartment building and switch to burning far-dirtier fuel oil instead. Why? Because Hochul’s policies (and Consolidated Edison’s complicity with those policies) have forced the price of using natural gas to skyrocket. Read More “NY’s Green Laws Forcing Gas Customers to Switch to Dirtier Oil”

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Judge Tosses NYC Lawsuit Against Big Oil re Climate Change

A judge has dismissed New York City’s lawsuit seeking to hold Exxon Mobil, BP, and Shell liable for misleading the public about their products and claims that their commitment to renewable energy and fighting climate change are false. The case was so weak not even a Democrat judge appointed by Kathy Hochul could stomach it. In her ruling, Justice Anar Rathod Patel told the city it could not have it both ways. The city claimed its residents knew about mythical climate change and how it is caused by burning nasty fossil fuels. Yet the city’s lawsuit claims Big Oil has tricked people into using fossil energy with false and misleading advertising. Patel wrote, “The city cannot have it both ways.” Touché! Read More “Judge Tosses NYC Lawsuit Against Big Oil re Climate Change”

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NYC Comptroller Seeks to Divest Fossil Fuels from Pension Funds

Here we go again. New York City Comptroller Brad Lander has put forth a proposal that would stop the city’s three pension funds from future private equity and infrastructure portfolio investments in midstream and downstream fossil fuel infrastructure like pipelines and liquefied natural gas terminals. The prohibition would apply to New York City’s Employees’ Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System, and Board of Education Retirement System should their pension boards approve the decision. But here’s the thing… In May 2023, workers from those same three pension funds sued the funds to stop them from divesting from fossil energy companies (see 3 NYC Pension Funds Sued by Workers for Divesting from Fossil Fuels). What happened to the lawsuit? Read More “NYC Comptroller Seeks to Divest Fossil Fuels from Pension Funds”

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NYC Dem Politicians, Radical Groups Seek to Jail Big Oil Execs

What is happening in American politics is shocking. Unfortunately, we are so shocked almost daily that we’re (as a society) becoming numb to it. Never in the history of our country have the members of one political party sought to jail their political opponents. It’s happening now, and the party/movement in question comes from the left. Democrat elected officials in New York City and progressive advocacy groups are pushing New York City’s prosecutors to charge fossil fuel companies AND their executives with crimes for “reckless endangerment” for their supposed role in causing “climate change.” Never mind that the left can’t prove mankind is catastrophically causing global warming (which is what they mean by climate change). They seek to jail people who disagree with them. It’s astonishing. Read More “NYC Dem Politicians, Radical Groups Seek to Jail Big Oil Execs”

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UN’s Guterres Peddles Climate Propaganda & Misinformation in NYC

UN Secretary-General António Guterres, climate fraud

In August, MDN told you about the latest insane utterances from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who is demanding the world stop using fossil fuel energy immediately (see Head of UN Goes Berserk, Demands World Stop Using Fossil Fuels Now). Guterres was in Tonga falsely claiming that mankind is causing the oceans to rise. Two months later, Guterres was at it again, this time in New York City for Climate Week a few weeks ago. He was peddling the same tired, old tropes about the earth toasting to a cinder, oceans rising, and other flim-flam and claptrap. Read More “UN’s Guterres Peddles Climate Propaganda & Misinformation in NYC”

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Left Nervous re Lawsuit Against NYC Pension Funds for Divesting FF

Three New York City pension funds — the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, the Teachers’ Retirement System, and the Board of Education Retirement System — were sued in May by four NYC employees for breaching their fiduciary duty and divesting from fossil energy companies (see 3 NYC Pension Funds Sued by Workers for Divesting from Fossil Fuels). The plaintiffs allege the divestments have resulted in the loss of billions of dollars that otherwise would have gone to retirees. The left is nervous that this lawsuit may have legs and (gulp) might actually prevail.
Read More “Left Nervous re Lawsuit Against NYC Pension Funds for Divesting FF”

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NY Grid Operator to Keep 4 NYC Peakers Online Past Deadline

The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the nonprofit that oversees the state’s electricity system, has warned New York State for YEARS of coming blackouts if peaker plants in New York City are forced to close in 2025 (see NY Grid Operator Again Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts re Peakers). NY Dems, who irrationally hate fossil energy, are forcing the closure of NYC’s peakers, believing unreliable renewables and a big, fat power line from Canada will be enough to keep the lights on. Good luck with that. NYISO has had enough of the nonsense. NYISO will forcibly keep four NYC peakers online — working past the 2025 deadline to shut them all down — in order to prevent a collapse of the electrical system downstate.
Read More “NY Grid Operator to Keep 4 NYC Peakers Online Past Deadline”

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NYU Caves to Brainwashed Kids, Pledges to Divest Fossil Fuels

Another great American university has fallen to the forces of radical left Communism–New York University (NYU). Rich kids with no purpose in life other than to navel gaze and worry about the latest Taylor Swift video have found a new purpose: try to get the old farts in the board rooms at their school to divest from fossil fuel stocks. Not because it actually makes sense or would improve anything–but just to see if they can do it. Fortunately, 99% of colleges and universities have decided against divestment. Back in 2016, NYU and Cambridge University told the brainwashed kids to buzz off (see NYU, Cambridge U Reject Calls to Divest from Fossil Fuel Stocks). What a difference seven years makes.
Read More “NYU Caves to Brainwashed Kids, Pledges to Divest Fossil Fuels”

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NY Grid Operator Again Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts re Peakers

It will be lights-out in Times Square if New York insists on forcing peaker plants to close in 2025. That’s according to Rich Dewey, president and CEO of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the nonprofit that oversees the state’s electricity system. Dewey has warned the state for YEARS of coming blackouts if peaker plants in New York City are forced to close in 2025. NY Dems, who irrationally hate fossil energy, are forcing the closure of NYC’s peakers, believing unreliable renewables and a big, fat power line from Canada will be enough to keep the lights on. Good luck with that.
Read More “NY Grid Operator Again Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts re Peakers”

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NYC to Experience Blackouts in 2025 Due to Democrat Climate Law

The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) is warning of a shortfall in electric generating capacity for New York City in 2025 when peaker plants–on-demand electric-generating plants that use fossil energy–are due to retire. Each quarter NYISO issues a short-term assessment of reliability. In April, the NYISO quarterly report warned about coming blackouts in 2025 (see NY Grid Operator Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts in 2025). Last Friday, NYISO issued its latest quarterly report and reiterated there WILL be a shortfall in electricity on the hottest days in 2025.
Read More “NYC to Experience Blackouts in 2025 Due to Democrat Climate Law”

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3 NYC Pension Funds Sued by Workers for Divesting from Fossil Fuels

Three New York City pension funds–the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, the Teachers’ Retirement System, and the Board of Education Retirement System–were sued this week by municipal employees for breaching their fiduciary duty and divesting from fossil energy companies. The plaintiffs allege the divestments have resulted in the loss of billions of dollars that otherwise would have gone to retirees. The pension funds went woke and decided they could no longer support companies that (in their wrong opinion) are creating catastrophic, man-made global warming.
Read More “3 NYC Pension Funds Sued by Workers for Divesting from Fossil Fuels”

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Traitor Con Ed Finishes $275M Power Line to Replace Peaker Plants

We are extremely unimpressed with New York City’s main utility company, Consolidated Edison. Con Ed supplies customers in all of New York City and Westchester County with electricity, and major portions (but not all) of NYC and Westchester with natural gas. The company has thrown in its lot (colluded with) New York’s far-left Democrats on a plan to kill off natural gas for its customers, believing it can eliminate some of its competitors. Con Ed is more than happy to build new projects, like a six-mile electric transmission line through Queens, and then pass the $275 million price to its customers to pay back. The new transmission line is meant to deliver enough extra electricity that Con Ed can shut down the gas-fired peaker plants it uses to help supply electricity on heavy usage days.
Read More “Traitor Con Ed Finishes $275M Power Line to Replace Peaker Plants”

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NY Grid Operator Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts in 2025

New York State’s chickens are finally coming home to roost. The extreme leftist politicians who run the state have assaulted the fossil energy industry for half a dozen years, maybe longer. The assault on fossil energy began under Andrew Cuomo and has continued under his successor, Kathy Hochul. Their actions are leading to electricity blackouts in New York City. Last Friday, the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) released its quarterly assessment of the reliability of the bulk electric system. While the state as a whole is not (yet) in trouble, NYISO says beginning in 2025, NYC “could become deficient” in electric power. Translation: The Big (Rotten) Apple is heading for blackouts.
Read More “NY Grid Operator Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts in 2025”

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Kinder Morgan Begins Work on 2 of 3 East 300 Pipeline Compressors

Kinder Morgan issued its fourth quarter 2022 update yesterday. Among the news updates, we learned that work on two of three compressor station projects along the Tennessee Gas Pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (near New York City) is now underway. There was also some big news about top management shuffles. CEO Steve Kean is retiring, setting off a game of musical chairs (or musical ladders) with existing employees moving up the ladder at the company.
Read More “Kinder Morgan Begins Work on 2 of 3 East 300 Pipeline Compressors”

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NYC Council Members Intro Bill to Block More NatGas to Brooklyn

Two New York City Councilmembers recently introduced a resolution to block the construction of gas vaporizer expansions in National Grid’s Greenpoint Newtown Creek facility. The resolution calls on the state Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny a permit, and for the state Public Service Commission to deny allowing National Grid to fund it. National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). Antis are trying to force National Grid to do just that–run out of natural gas, leaving citizens in the cold in the dead of winter.
Read More “NYC Council Members Intro Bill to Block More NatGas to Brooklyn”

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Food & Water Watch Sues FERC to Block KM Pipe Expansion to NYC

Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s (TGP) plan to flow more Marcellus gas to Westchester County, NY, and New York City, to be used for Consolidated Edison customers, is called the East 300 Upgrade Project. The East 300 project took a giant leap forward in April when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued permits that allow TGP to upgrade two existing compressor stations (in PA), and build a brand new compressor station in West Milford (Passaic County, NJ), just across the border and not far from Westchester County (see FERC Issues Compressor Permits for TGP’s East 300 Upgrade in NY, NJ). No good deed goes unpunished. The odious (and misnamed) Food & Water Watch, a far-left, very radical group, is challenging FERC’s approval of East 300 with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Read More “Food & Water Watch Sues FERC to Block KM Pipe Expansion to NYC”