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Sad Day: NY Assassinates Another Williams Pipeline Project – NESE

We’re sad but not surprised. The last time we reported on Williams’ Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) Project slated for New York was last June when Williams asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a time extension to build it (see Williams Asks FERC for 3 Yr Extension to Complete NY-NJ NESE Pipe). NESE is meant to increase pipeline capacity and flows heading into northeastern markets. Both New York and New Jersey, where portions of the project would be built, pushed back against the project, causing Williams to seek time extensions with FERC. Williams has officially given up on the project and is throwing in the towel. New York just assassinated yet another pipeline project.
Read More “Sad Day: NY Assassinates Another Williams Pipeline Project – NESE”

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Traitor Con Ed Finishes $275M Power Line to Replace Peaker Plants

We are extremely unimpressed with New York City’s main utility company, Consolidated Edison. Con Ed supplies customers in all of New York City and Westchester County with electricity, and major portions (but not all) of NYC and Westchester with natural gas. The company has thrown in its lot (colluded with) New York’s far-left Democrats on a plan to kill off natural gas for its customers, believing it can eliminate some of its competitors. Con Ed is more than happy to build new projects, like a six-mile electric transmission line through Queens, and then pass the $275 million price to its customers to pay back. The new transmission line is meant to deliver enough extra electricity that Con Ed can shut down the gas-fired peaker plants it uses to help supply electricity on heavy usage days.
Read More “Traitor Con Ed Finishes $275M Power Line to Replace Peaker Plants”

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National Grid Withdraws Request to Build LNG Vaporizers in NYC

National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). It appears because of opposition from crazy leftists, they won’t succeed. For several years the company has fought a battle to run a tiny pipeline to its Greenpoint, Brooklyn facility to provide extra natural gas. That project is going nowhere fast. National Grid has/had a backup plan in case it could not complete the pipeline project–add two extra LNG vaporizers to the Greenpoint facility to turn trucked LNG back into gas that can flow through the system. It seems even Plan B is now gone. What’s left are coming gas outages for Long Island.
Read More “National Grid Withdraws Request to Build LNG Vaporizers in NYC”

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NY PSC Denies Nat’l Grid Petition re LNG Vaporizers in Brooklyn

National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). For several years the company has fought a battle to run a tiny pipeline to its Greenpoint, Brooklyn facility to provide extra natural gas. National Grid has a backup plan in case it can’t complete the pipeline project–add two extra LNG vaporizers to the Greenpoint facility to turn trucked LNG back into gas that can flow through the system. A so-called independent consultant reviewed the plan and filed a report last November with the state Public Utility Commission saying National Grid’s vaporizers aren’t needed (see NY PSC Consultant Says National Grid Doesn’t Need Brooklyn LNG). The PSC took its cue from the consultant and yesterday denied a request by National Grid to build the vaporizers.
Read More “NY PSC Denies Nat’l Grid Petition re LNG Vaporizers in Brooklyn”

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NY PSC Consultant Says National Grid Doesn’t Need Brooklyn LNG

National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). For several years the company has fought a battle to run a tiny pipeline to its Greenpoint, Brooklyn facility to provide extra natural gas. That project is being investigated by the Biden administration on charges of racism (see Woke Nation: 2nd Fed Agency Investigating Brooklyn Pipe as Racist). National Grid has a backup plan–add two extra LNG vaporizers to the Greenpoint facility to turn trucked LNG back into gas that can flow through the system. A so-called independent consultant reviewed the plan and filed a report with the state Public Utility Commission saying National Grid’s vaporizers aren’t needed. Let the folks on Long Island run out of gas–that’s the preferred strategy, apparently.
Read More “NY PSC Consultant Says National Grid Doesn’t Need Brooklyn LNG”

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NYPA Uses Up to 44% Hydrogen Mix in Long Island Power Plant Test

Last Friday, the New York Power Authority (NYPA) released a report of the results of mixing so-called “green” hydrogen with natural gas and using the fuel to generate electricity with reduced emissions from a retrofitted General Electric combustion turbine. The experiment was conducted at NYPA’s Brentwood Power Station on Long Island. NYPA experimented with fuel blends from 5% to 44% hydrogen. The study found CO2 mass emission rates were reduced by approximately 14% by mixing in a 35% blend of hydrogen.
Read More “NYPA Uses Up to 44% Hydrogen Mix in Long Island Power Plant Test”

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NY DEC Continues Delay-then-Deny Tactic re Brooklyn LNG Terminal

National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). For several years the company has fought a battle to run a tiny pipeline to its Greenpoint, Brooklyn facility, to provide extra natural gas. That project is being investigated by the Biden administration on charges of racism (see Woke Nation: 2nd Fed Agency Investigating Brooklyn Pipe as Racist). National Grid has a backup plan–add two extra LNG vaporizers to the Greenpoint facility to turn trucked LNG back into gas that can flow through the system. The state Dept. of Environment Conservation (DEC), which must issue an air permit for the vaporizers, is doing what it always does with fossil energy projects: repeatedly delay the decision before eventually denying the permit.
Read More “NY DEC Continues Delay-then-Deny Tactic re Brooklyn LNG Terminal”

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NY Politicians Protest LNG Truck Terminal in Brooklyn

National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). For several years the company has fought a battle to run a tiny pipeline to its Greenpoint, Brooklyn facility, to provide extra natural gas. That project is being investigated by the Biden administration on charges of racism (see Woke Nation: 2nd Fed Agency Investigating Brooklyn Pipe as Racist). National Grid has a backup plan–add two extra LNG vaporizers to the Greenpoint facility to turn trucked LNG back into gas that can flow through the system. Anti-fossil fuel fanatics have pressured sleazy politicians to turn against it. We hope they enjoy being without heat in the winter in Brooklyn and Queens.
Read More “NY Politicians Protest LNG Truck Terminal in Brooklyn”

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National Grid Surrenders, Dumping Fossil Energy in NY-MA by 2050

If you still live in New York or Massachusetts and National Grid is your utility company, now is the time to move. Preferably to another state. National Grid has finally waved the white flag of surrender to the leftist mob that demands the elimination of all fossil energy. National Grid will force its customers to quit using fuel oil and “non-renewable” natural gas by 2050 at the latest–forcing its customers to use electric heat pumps instead. By our estimates, National Grid customers can expect to pay 4-5X more than anyone else for their energy. Escape while you can!
Read More “National Grid Surrenders, Dumping Fossil Energy in NY-MA by 2050”

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Delay then Deny: NY DEC Postpones Decision on Brooklyn LNG Regas.

National Grid is desperately trying not to run out of natural gas for its customers in Brooklyn and Queens (on Long Island). For several years the company has fought a battle to run a tiny pipeline to its Greenpoint, Brooklyn facility, to provide extra natural gas. That project is being investigated by the Biden administration on charges of racism (see Woke Nation: 2nd Fed Agency Investigating Brooklyn Pipe as Racist). Don’t get us started. National Grid has a backup plan–add two extra LNG vaporizers to the Greenpoint facility to turn trucked LNG back into gas that can flow through the system. Irrational anti-fossil fuel fanatics are now trying to block even that minor project.
Read More “Delay then Deny: NY DEC Postpones Decision on Brooklyn LNG Regas.”

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National Grid Threatens New Gas Hookup Moratorium for Downstate NY

As Yogi Berra once quipped, this feels like déjà vu all over again. In 2019 New York City and Long Island experienced an epic showdown with National Grid, which supplies natural gas to all of Long Island including Brooklyn and Queens. National Grid slapped a moratorium on new gas hookups due to short supplies and then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s blocking of a pipeline to bring more supplies to the region. After extreme blowback from customers, Cuomo threatened to rip National Grid’s franchise away and give it to someone else unless they paid $30 million in bribes and started hooking up new customers again. National Grid caved and the bad guy, Cuomo, won (see Andrew “Don Corleone” Cuomo Extorts National Grid, Wins Pipe Battle). Once again National Grid is sounding the alarm that they likely will need to restrict new gas hookups. A new battle is brewing.
Read More “National Grid Threatens New Gas Hookup Moratorium for Downstate NY”

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Anti-Fossil Fuelers Pressure New NY Gov to Block Brooklyn Pipe

Metropolitan Natural Gas Reliability Project (click for larger version)

In case you hadn’t heard, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned and left office in disgrace a month ago. In his place, for the balance of his original term, is the former Lt. Gov. Kathy Hockul. She’s not much better (a far-left liberal Democrat), but at least she’s not corrupt like Cuomo was. A group of leftists trying to block an almost done, very small natural gas pipeline in Brooklyn, NY tried their best but could not convince the Cuomo administration’s Dept. of Public Service to reject it. In fact, the DPS voted unanimously in August to approve a rate hike to finance the Metropolitan Natural Gas Reliability Project. Since antis couldn’t get Lord Cuomo to along, they’re now hoping they can pressure Hokul to cancel it instead.
Read More “Anti-Fossil Fuelers Pressure New NY Gov to Block Brooklyn Pipe”

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Antis Ask Biden to Cancel Brooklyn Pipe Project Claiming Racism

Having struck out at the state level, a group of Big Green radicals is now asking dementia Joe to cancel a tiny 6.8-mile natural gas pipeline stretching from Brownsville to North Brooklyn in New York City that’s already pretty much built. Their false claim? That pipeline is RACIST. That’s right folks. We bet you didn’t know a hunk of inanimate steel buried in the ground could be racist. The radicals claim it can be and is, and Uncle Joe should just wave his magic leftist wand and cancel it.
Read More “Antis Ask Biden to Cancel Brooklyn Pipe Project Claiming Racism”

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NY DPS Approves Gas Rate Hike to Finance Brooklyn Pipeline Project

In February 2020 we told you about a mob of anti-fossil fuelers attempting to block the final few feet of construction for a 6.8-mile natural gas pipeline stretching from Brownsville to North Brooklyn in New York City (see Will a Brooklyn, NY Mob Stop Completion of National Grid Pipeline?). In December of 2020 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio called for the builder, National Grid, to abandon the almost-done project (see NYC Mayor de Blasio Seeks to Block Brooklyn NatGas Pipe Project). Fortunately, National Grid didn’t abandon it. In fact, last Thursday the New York Dept. of Public Service (DPS) voted unanimously to approve a rate increase for 1.9 million National Grid customers to help pay for the pipeline.
Read More “NY DPS Approves Gas Rate Hike to Finance Brooklyn Pipeline Project”

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Antis Get Judge to Block Brooklyn LNG Truck Depot – Shortage Coming

MDN previously told you about so-called environmentalists filing a lawsuit to block the construction of an LNG unloading facility in Greenpoint, Brooklyn (see NYC Antis Sue to Block Brooklyn LNG Truck Depot – Shortage Coming). National Grid, a huge utility company that supplies natural gas to all of Long Island, including two New York City boroughs (Queens and Brooklyn), needs a way to inject more natural gas into its distribution system…or else. The radicals have somehow convinced a low-level judge to temporarily block construction at the Greenpoint site.
Read More “Antis Get Judge to Block Brooklyn LNG Truck Depot – Shortage Coming”

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NYC Antis Sue to Block Brooklyn LNG Truck Depot – Shortage Coming

So-called environmentalists filed a lawsuit last week to block the construction of an LNG unloading facility in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. National Grid, a huge utility company that supplies natural gas to all of Long Island, including two New York City boroughs (Queens and Brooklyn), needs a way to inject more natural gas into its distribution system…or else. Or else during extreme winter weather events some folks will run out of gas for heating and cooking. Antis don’t care–until they’re the ones who run out.
Read More “NYC Antis Sue to Block Brooklyn LNG Truck Depot – Shortage Coming”