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NY Hiring PR Firm for $500,000 to Push Anti-Fossil Fuel Message

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is shopping for a public relations firm that can help the agency convince gullible New Yorkers that they’re better off paying more money for unreliable renewable energy than they are in using fossil fuels like natural gas. NYSERDA is offering $500,000 for a one-year contract to help the agency tout its wide-ranging push to phase out gas cars in favor of electric vehicles, dump gas-heated homes in favor of electric heat, and eliminate fossil-fuel power generation in favor of solar and wind. While they’re at it, maybe they can sell you a bridge in Brooklyn, too.
Read More “NY Hiring PR Firm for $500,000 to Push Anti-Fossil Fuel Message”

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Radicals Win in NY – Senate Passes Permanent Ban on CO2 Fracking

Where do business dreams go to die? New York State, of course. Yesterday, the New York State Senate passed a bill to ban the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in any process to extract natural gas or oil in the so-called Empire State. The NY Assembly (our state’s lower chamber) voted to approve the same bill a week ago (see NY Assembly Passes Bill to Ban Using CO2 to “Frack” Wells). It is a metaphysical certitude that our radicalized Governor, Kathy Hochul (who has somehow become even worse than Andrew Cuomo), will sign it into law, thereby destroying what could have been a billion-dollar private business that would have benefited landowners, area businesses, and local municipalities with heaps of extra tax revenues. Have a great idea for a business? Don’t come to New York, where we are closed for business.
Read More “Radicals Win in NY – Senate Passes Permanent Ban on CO2 Fracking”

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NY Assembly Passes Bill to Ban Using CO2 to “Frack” Wells

Last month, MDN told you that several New York Democrat legislators introduced a new bill to ban the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in any process to extract natural gas or oil in the Empire State (see NY Democrats Release Bill to Ban Use of CO2 in Gas Extraction). Following pressure from Big Green groups like Food & Water Watch, the corrupt Democrat legislators in the NY Assembly voted yesterday 97-50 to adopt this illegal bill. Now, it’s on to the Senate, where we’re sure corrupt Senators will pass it, too. Welcome to the People’s Republic of New York.
Read More “NY Assembly Passes Bill to Ban Using CO2 to “Frack” Wells”

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100 Protesters Rally in Albany to Demand Ban on CO2 Fracking in NY

A group of so-called environmental advocates (old hippies) gathered in Albany at the Capitol yesterday to continue their call to ban all “fracking,” including CO2 (carbon dioxide) used to extract natural gas. We wonder if they know that a total ban on “all” fracking includes a ban on fracking geothermal wells being pushed by the governor.
Read More “100 Protesters Rally in Albany to Demand Ban on CO2 Fracking in NY”

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Geothermal Energy Uses Same Drilling Rigs & Fracking as Gas Wells

You can’t read about energy in mainstream media these days without seeing multiple stories about geothermal energy and the big push to force-convert homes and businesses to use geothermal as a way of saving the planet from nasty/evil fossil fuels. Yet geothermal uses the same identical drilling rigs, drills the same holes in the ground, and even uses the same fracking technology as that used to drill shale oil and gas wells. But drilling and fracking for geothermal is righteous and clean and pure as wind-driven snow, while drilling and fracking for oil and gas is evil, Satanic, and destroying the environment. How does that work?
Read More “Geothermal Energy Uses Same Drilling Rigs & Fracking as Gas Wells”

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Radical Bill in NY to Block CO2 “Fracking” Advances in Assembly

Earlier this month, MDN told you that several New York Democrat legislators were introducing a new bill to ban the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in any process to extract natural gas or oil in the Empire State (see NY Democrat Legislators Introduce Bill to Ban CO2 “Fracking”). The radicals followed through (see NY Democrats Release Bill to Ban Use of CO2 in Gas Extraction). The bill is rapidly advancing in the Democrat-controlled Assembly and Senate. It appears to be a fait accompli.
Read More “Radical Bill in NY to Block CO2 “Fracking” Advances in Assembly”

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Smoking Gun Discovered – Rockefellers Behind NY AG Exxon Lawsuit

In December 2019, New York Attorney General Tish James and her highly-paid associates were thoroughly, completely, 100% humiliated in court when their case against Exxon Mobil, accusing the company of screwing shareholders by keeping secret knowledge they are toasting Mom Earth, was itself toast (see Judge Finds Exxon Not Guilty in Fraud Case – NY AG Humiliated). James had enough humiliation, and in January 2020, she announced she would not appeal the Exxon case to a higher court (see NY AG Gives Up on Trying to Shake Down Exxon After Court Decision). That is, NY had lost, Exxon had won. After years of litigation to get the AGs office to provide emails and other documentation, it has just come to light that the Rockefellers coordinated the effort and prompted the NY AG’s office to launch an investigation into ExxonMobil back in 2015.
Read More “Smoking Gun Discovered – Rockefellers Behind NY AG Exxon Lawsuit”

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NY DEC Says “Closer to a Decision” on Iroquois Compressor Upgrades

The Iroquois Gas Transmission pipeline project called Enhancement by Compression (ExC) increases horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, flowing more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England (see Despite Antis’ Best Efforts, More NatGas Coming to New England). FERC approved the project back in 2022 (see Iroquois Gas Enhancement by Compression Project Approved by FERC). The project still needs approval from state environmental agencies, including the leftwing NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC). DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos told his leftwing buddies at POLITICO the DEC is “closer to a decision” on ExC — whatever that means.
Read More “NY DEC Says “Closer to a Decision” on Iroquois Compressor Upgrades”

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NY Democrats Release Bill to Ban Use of CO2 in Gas Extraction

On Friday, MDN told you that several New York Democrat legislators were introducing a new bill to ban the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in any process to extract natural gas or oil in the Empire State (see NY Democrat Legislators Introduce Bill to Ban CO2 “Fracking”). The only information we had on Friday was that some kind of event would happen and would include actor Mark Ruffalo, among other luminaries (yes, we’re being facetious). We have an update on the event and a copy of the bill as introduced, including a bombshell discovery that campaign contributions from the O&G lobby have gone to one of the politicians introducing the bill!
Read More “NY Democrats Release Bill to Ban Use of CO2 in Gas Extraction”

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NY Democrat Legislators Introduce Bill to Ban CO2 “Fracking”

Well, this was predictable. In fact, we predicted it! We’re talking about today’s announcement that radicalized left Democrat members of the New York legislature, including Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (from Endicott) and Senator Lea Webb (from Binghamton), are introducing a bill to ban so-called CO2 fracking in the state. A group of leftist Democrats were joined this morning by movie star Mark Ruffalo (a really dumb person) to announce the bill to ban all forms of fracking in the Empire State.
Read More “NY Democrat Legislators Introduce Bill to Ban CO2 “Fracking””

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2019 NY Enviro Law is Blocking New Oil & Gas Drilling, as Designed

In June 2019, the New York State legislature passed a horrific “energy” bill that was later signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (see New York Pulls the Trigger, Commits Energy Suicide with New Law). The new Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) law limits carbon dioxide emissions to zero (an impossibility) by 2050. The following manufacturing industries in the state are being forced to close or move out of the state because of the law: glass (say goodbye to the entire community of Corning), steel, cement, auto, metal casting, food, pulp and paper, aluminum, plastics, ceramics, and chemicals. Oh! And don’t forget conventional oil and gas drillers who report the CLCPA is making it impossible to drill new wells. Jobs are disappearing from the O&G industry.
Read More “2019 NY Enviro Law is Blocking New Oil & Gas Drilling, as Designed”


NY Hospitality & Tourism Assoc. Partners with NH Co. for…NatGas?

Here’s a story we found intriguing. Sprague Operating Resources LLC., the New Hampshire-based “leading provider of energy solutions and material handling services across the Northeast,” announced it has been designated as the Exclusive Energy Partner for the New York Tourism and Hospitality Association (NYSHTA) for the year 2024. As the Exclusive Energy Partner, Sprague will “supply tailored energy solutions” to meet the special needs of New York’s hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, and other hospitality services. The number one energy source offered by Sprague is…natural gas!
Read More “NY Hospitality & Tourism Assoc. Partners with NH Co. for…NatGas?”

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NYS Mandates Utilities Drill Thousands of Geothermal Wells in State

Only in the mind of twisted leftists does this make sense. New York State is energy-hungry. Yet our state “leaders” demand we begin to phase out the one source of energy that provides something like 90% of all energy in the state: Natural gas and oil. You have to replace all that energy somehow. The answer for home heating, in the minds of leftists, is to drill geothermal wells. The state is *requiring* the state’s seven largest utilities to launch at least one geothermal project (and up to five such projects) to get the ball rolling. So here’s what happens. Instead of a gas driller drilling one well that produces enough energy for thousands of surrounding households, geothermal drillers must drill hundreds of wells (400 in our example below!) to produce enough energy for a few dozen households, plus some businesses. Same darned hole in the ground, yet if it’s for natural gas or oil drilled in the countryside where nobody sees it, it’s Satanic. But, drilling several hundred of the same holes in the ground for geothermal — in densely populated urban neighborhoods — is angelic. How do you figure, New York State?
Read More “NYS Mandates Utilities Drill Thousands of Geothermal Wells in State”

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FWW Organizes Anti-CO2 “Fracking” Protest at NY Gov.’s NYC Office

click for larger version

At the end of October, MDN told you about a company called Southern Tier CO2 to Clean Energy Solutions, based in Binghamton, NY, sending fliers to landowners in Broome, Tioga, and Chemung counties (along the border with Pennsylvania, where there is no doubt large amounts of Marcellus and Utica gas beneath the ground) inviting landowners to sign up for what appears to be an exciting opportunity to sell gas rights (see Company Seeks to Lease New York Mineral & Pore Rights for Flat $10). In December, we told you that Food & Water Watch (FWW) and other nutball green groups launched an all-out assault on the Southern Tier Solutions plan, organizing a form letter sent to NY Gov. Kathy Hochul and the Democrat-controlled state legislature (see Big Green Pressures NY Democrats to Reject CO2 Fracking in Upstate). Yesterday, FWW went one step further, organizing a small (but loud) protest in front of Gov. Hochul’s Manhattan office to pressure her to ban all forms of “fracking.”
Read More “FWW Organizes Anti-CO2 “Fracking” Protest at NY Gov.’s NYC Office”

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Big Green Pressures NY Democrats to Reject CO2 Fracking in Upstate

At the end of October, MDN told you about a company called Southern Tier CO2 to Clean Energy Solutions, based in Binghamton, NY, sending fliers to landowners in Broome, Tioga, and Chemung counties (along the border with Pennsylvania, where there is no doubt large amounts of Marcellus and Utica gas beneath the ground) inviting landowners to sign up for what appears to be an exciting opportunity to sell gas rights (see Company Seeks to Lease New York Mineral & Pore Rights for Flat $10). Last week, we told you about several local politicians (Democrats) and several Big Green groups now gearing up to oppose the plan to “frack” (which is a misnomer) with CO2 (see Big Green, Democrats Launch Effort to Block NY CO2 “Fracking”). It’s time for Food & Water Watch and other nutball green groups to fundraise before the end of the year, so they launched an all-out assault on the Southern Tier Solutions plan yesterday.
Read More “Big Green Pressures NY Democrats to Reject CO2 Fracking in Upstate”

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Antis Launch Effort to Block Iroquois Pipe Compressors in NY & CT

Iroquois Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project (click for larger version)

The Iroquois Gas Transmission pipeline project called Enhancement by Compression (ExC) increases horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, flowing more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England (see Despite Antis’ Best Efforts, More NatGas Coming to New England). The ExC project was supposed to begin construction in spring 2023 and be placed in service by November 2023. Yeah, well, that didn’t happen, even though FERC approved it back in 2022 (see Iroquois Gas Enhancement by Compression Project Approved by FERC). As Iroquois finally gets ready to begin construction, antis and neighbors of the compressor plants are launching an effort to stop the expansions.
Read More “Antis Launch Effort to Block Iroquois Pipe Compressors in NY & CT”