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Jay-Bee Paying $42M to Settle WV Post-Production Deduction Lawsuit

Here’s a lawsuit that flew under our radar — until now. Several landowners in West Virginia sued Jay-Bee Oil & Gas, alleging “improper royalty deductions” were made from royalty checks for post-production work from 2010 to 2023. The landowners (their lawyers) convinced a court to turn the lawsuit into a class action. Jay-Bee denies the claims in the lawsuit but has agreed to settle the dispute to avoid additional litigation by paying $42.6 million into a settlement fund established to disburse payments to participating class members.
Read More “Jay-Bee Paying $42M to Settle WV Post-Production Deduction Lawsuit”

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Jay-Bee Active Well Pad Fire in Tyler County, WV – No Injuries

Tyler County, WV

Local media reports a fire at a Jay-Bee Oil & Gas well pad near Big Run in Tyler County, WV, which began last night around 5 p.m. and is still ongoing this morning. There were no injuries. Two different news agencies report that every fire department in the county, plus some from other countries, is involved in the response. While the media has very few details, an MDN source has provided extra details not found anywhere else.
Read More “Jay-Bee Active Well Pad Fire in Tyler County, WV – No Injuries”

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15 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jun 24 – 30

We’re playing catch-up following our brief Wednesday through Friday vacation last week. The first order of business is to bring you the list of permits issued for the week of June 24 – 30. A total of 15 new permits were issued, with most (10) issued in Pennsylvania. Ohio issued four new permits, and West Virginia issued one new permit. Both Seneca Resources and Apex Energy tied for most new permits (three each), with Seneca’s permits issued in Tioga County, PA, and Apex’s permits issued in Westmoreland County, PA.
Read More “15 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jun 24 – 30”

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46 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jun 10 – 16

Three weeks ago, 31 new permits were issued to drill in the entire Marcellus/Utica region. Two weeks ago, the number dropped (dramatically) to just seven new permits. And then last week, the number of permits issued soared once again — all the way up to 46. Bam! We just kicked it up a notch. Seneca Resources took the top spot for new permits, receiving a total of nine permits, all in Tioga County, PA. Chesapeake Energy and Antero Resources tied for second place with seven new permits each, with Chessy’s permits coming in Bradford County, PA, and Antero’s in Doddridge County, WV. Coming in third was Jay-Bee Oil & Gas with six permits issued in Pleasants County, WV. State by state, PA issued 24 new permits, OH issued 9, and WV issued 13 permits.
Read More “46 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jun 10 – 16”

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16 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Apr 15 – 21

Two weeks ago, during the week of April 8 -14, 17 new permits were issued to drill in the Marcellus/Utica (see 17 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Apr 8 – 14). Last week, for the week of April 15 – 21, 16 new permits were issued. However, the composition of where the permits were issued changed significantly from the typical pattern. Only two of the permits were issued in Pennsylvania last week, both for EQT (one in Fayette County, the other in Greene County). Ohio received six new permits divided evenly, with three going to INR and the other three to EOG Resources. INR’s permits were all issued in Guernsey County and EOG’s in Harrison County. West Virginia, which typically receives the fewest new permits, took the lion’s share with eight new permits. Jaybee Oil & Gas received three permits in Tyler County. Southwestern Energy also received three permits but in Wetzel County. Tribune Resources received one new permit (Tyler County), and EQT received one permit (Marion County).
Read More “16 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Apr 15 – 21”

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35 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Feb 13-19

New shale permits issued for Feb. 13-19 in the Marcellus/Utica remained elevated last week. There were 35 new permits issued in total last week (down slightly from 40 the week before), including 27 new permits for Pennsylvania, three new permits for Ohio, and five permits issued in West Virginia. Last week the top receiver of new permits was Coterra Energy, with 13 new permits for Susquehanna County, PA. The number two permittee was Apex Energy with five permits in Westmoreland County, PA.
Read More “35 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Feb 13-19”

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17 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Aug 8-14

Pennsylvania issued seven new shale permits for the week of August 8-14, with two each going to EQT (in Greene County) and Chesapeake Energy (in Sullivan County). Ohio issued five new permits, with four of them going to Encino Energy (Harrison County). Finally, West Virginia issue five new permits with all of them going to Jay-Bee Oil & Gas (Tyler County).
Read More “17 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Aug 8-14”

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16 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jul 18-24

For the week of July 18-24, the three Marcellus/Utica states issued just 16 permits to drill new shale wells, down from 43 the prior week. Pennsylvania and West Virginia both issued eight new permits each. Ohio issued a big, fat, goose egg. PA issued three permits each to Greylock Energy (Green County) and Pennsylvania General Energy (Tioga County), and one each to EQT and Seneca Resources. WV issued four permits each to Jay-Bee Oil & Gas (Tyler County) and Tug Hill Operating (Wetzel County).
Read More “16 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jul 18-24”

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33 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jan 24-30

Our apologies that this latest weekly permit update is a day late. Normally we issued these updates on Wednesdays. Yesterday the Pennsylvania database we use to locate information on new permits issued was throwing an error. We alerted the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, which maintains the database, and they got it fixed sometime last night. So we’re back! Our thanks to the programmers at the DEP.

The total number of permits across PA, OH and WV last week were down by about half from the week before. There were 33 new permits issued last week vs. 61 two weeks ago.
Read More “33 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jan 24-30”

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24 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jan 3-9

Last week 24 permits were issued to drill new shale wells in the Marcellus/Utica. Pennsylvania had the lion’s share with 19 new permits–most of those (10) were issued for two Chesapeake Energy well pads in Bradford County in the northeastern part of the state. Ohio had just two new permits, both on the same Southwestern Energy well pad in Monroe County. West Virginia had three new permits, one in Pleasants County and two in Marshall County.
Read More “24 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jan 3-9”

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30 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Dec 6-12

There was a decent number of new permits issued across all three actively drilling Marcellus/Utica states cumulatively last week. In Pennsylvania, 19 new shale well permits were issued across the state. In Ohio, three new shale permits were issued. West Virginia issued 8 new shale permits last week, with five going to a company we had not previously heard of.
Read More “30 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Dec 6-12”

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Top 10 Natural Gas & Top 10 Oil Producers in West Virginia for 2020

The Gas and Oil Association of West Virginia (GO-WV) released a new report yesterday called “Gas Facts” (full copy below). The report chronicles the impact oil and gas has had on the Mountain State over the past five years. According to Charlie Burd, GO-WV executive director, “Natural gas is the state’s top-paying sector, supporting more than 82,000 jobs and contributing roughly $5.2 billion in wages each year. Clean, abundant natural gas will continue to drive economic growth and opportunities for generations of West Virginians.” It’s an interesting report. One thing in the report caught our eye immediately: Two “top 10” lists for gas and oil production. We’re suckers for a good top 10 list…
Read More “Top 10 Natural Gas & Top 10 Oil Producers in West Virginia for 2020”

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Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: Sep 27-Oct 3

Last week Pennsylvania issued just 8 new permits for Marcellus/Utica drilling, down a bit from previous weeks. Ohio issued 10 new permits. We don’t often see Ohio issue more permits in a week than Pennsylvania. Finally, West Virginia issued just 1 permit for new shale drilling last week.
Read More “Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: Sep 27-Oct 3”

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Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: Sep 20-26

A healthy number of permits were issued to drill new shale wells across the Marcellus/Utica region last week. Pennsylvania issued 19 new permits in both southwest and northeast PA. Ohio issued 8 new permits, all of them to a single driller (Ascent Resources) for two well pads in two different counties. West Virginia issued 9 new permits–all but 2 of them were issued to Antero Resources in Tyler County.
Read More “Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: Sep 20-26”

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Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: Jul 26-Aug 1

Last week both Pennsylvania and West Virginia received permits to drill new shale wells. Ohio was left out of the permit game for a second week in a row. PA received 19 new permits, with 9 going to Range Resources, 4 going to Seneca Resources, and a smattering of others. WV received 9 new permits, all of them in Tyler County and all but 2 given to Antero Resources.
Read More “Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: Jul 26-Aug 1”

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Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: May 24-30

All three M-U states received permits to drill new shale wells last week, but not a lot. In fact, it was one of the lowest overall number of permits issued in recent memory. Pennsylvania received just five new permits, and some of those were reissued permits. Ohio received four permits. And West Virginia just a single new permit.
Read More “Weekly Shale Drilling Permits for PA, OH, WV: May 24-30”