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Radicals Again Demand NY Gov. Hochul Block Iroquois Compressors

Iroquois Gas Transmission’s Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project would increase horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, to flow more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England. The two NY compressors include one in Dover and one in Athens. The CT compressor is located in Brookfield. The left, via the odious Food & Water Watch, has made a concerted effort to block the two NY compressor station upgrades (see Radicals Pressure NY Gov. Hochul to Block Iroquois Pipe Expansion). Food & Water Watch is at it again. Yesterday, the organization delivered yet another “Don’t do it!” letter to Hochul and held a rally at the State Capitol. Read More “Radicals Again Demand NY Gov. Hochul Block Iroquois Compressors”

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New York Company Has Big Role in West Virginia’s ARCH2 Hydrogen Hub

New York State has made no bones about the fact that it HATES fossil energy — particularly natural gas. The state has banned fracking, permanently (for all time), preventing abundant supplies of natgas from being extracted within the state, dooming counties in Upstate to economic poverty. The state has blocked multiple gas pipelines from Pennsylvania into NY. It has banned new residences and businesses across the state from connecting to and using natural gas beginning in 2025. And lately, the state has begun to force natural gas-fired power plants to close. Yet sitting on the stage in Morgantown, WV, on Monday with West Virginia and Ohio officials and politicians there to commemorate and brag about WV’s big win in attracting a grant for a hydrogen hub, was the CEO of a New York company — a company that will play a key role in (and get gobs of money from) the WV hydrogen hub.
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Opposition Continues to Tiny Pipeline in Albany, NY Region

Opposition from green extremists continues against a tiny 16-inch, 7.3-mile natural gas transmission pipeline in the Albany, NY area. The purpose of the new pipeline is to beef up supplies of natural gas in the Capitol region of the state. The thing is, the people protesting the pipeline (those who live in the area) heat their homes with natural gas. Will they be the first to give up their gas, as a demonstration of their own sacrifice to Save the Planet? Not on your life!
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NY Antis Justify Support for Big Electric Line, Reject Small Pipeline

So-called environmentalists in the Albany, NY area are fine with a 333-mile underground electric cable that will pass through the area to bring hydro power from Quebec to New York City, but they object to a 7-mile underground natural gas pipeline that will increase supplies of natgas to the region–because natgas is vile and filthy “fracked gas” and these so-called environmentalists have an irrational (certifiably nuts) aversion to using fossil fuels as an energy source. It truly boggles the mind. Will anyone be left in New York State in another 20 years?
Read More “NY Antis Justify Support for Big Electric Line, Reject Small Pipeline”

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Two Dozen Carbon Breathers Gather in Albany to Protest…Carbon

Several so-called environmental groups, including one calling itself the Sane Energy Project, converged on Albany, NY yesterday to protest two new natural gas pipeline projects. How many committed, dedicated, climate warriors showed up from these “several” groups? Thousands? Hundreds? How about two dozen. Nobody would have noticed the protest except sycophantic media outlets arrived to plaster the event all over the airwaves (and newsprint). Rather disheartening is that an 11-year-old boy who’s been brainwashed was among the protesters. Of course the media loved it.
Read More “Two Dozen Carbon Breathers Gather in Albany to Protest…Carbon”

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Opposition Mounts to Tiny Pipeline in Albany, NY Region

The bright red line indicates the pipeline’s proposed route (click for larger version)

On February 1, 2019, National Grid filed a petition with the New York Public Service Commission for a “Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need” (i.e. permission to build and operate) for a tiny 16-inch, 7.3-mile natural gas transmission pipeline. The purpose of the new pipeline is to beef up supplies of natural gas in the Capitol region of the state–around Albany. Opposition by radical green supporters continues to mount, with those opposing calling it a “fracked gas pipeline.”
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National Grid Faces Opposition to Tiny Pipeline in Albany Region

The bright red line indicates the pipeline’s proposed route (click for larger version)

On February 1, 2019, National Grid filed a petition with the New York Public Service Commission for a “Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need” (i.e. permission to build and operate) for a tiny 16-inch, 7.3-mile natural gas transmission pipeline. The purpose of the new pipeline is to beef up supplies of natural gas in the Capitol region of the state–around Albany. A public hearing was held yesterday in East Greenbush, NY and of course a group of antis who irrationally hate fossil fuels showed up to embarrass themselves.
Read More “National Grid Faces Opposition to Tiny Pipeline in Albany Region”

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NY Moves Forward with Fracked Gas Microgrid in Middle of Albany

Last May, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced plans to construct a new “state-of-the-art, locally-sourced mini-power grid” that will connect to the statewide electric grid but will also be able to operate independently, to power the Empire State Plaza in Albany–a complex of buildings in downtown Albany housing much of New York State government (see NY Gov Cuomo Building New Fracked Gas Elec Plant to Power Albany!). The energy-efficient microgrid, which will be powered by fracked natural gas from Pennsylvania, will supply 90% of the power for the 98-acre downtown Albany complex, and is expected to save the Plaza more than $2.7 million in annual energy costs. The project will also remove more than 25,600 tons of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere each year – the equivalent of taking more than 4,900 cars off the road – supporting New York’s goal to reduce emissions by 40 percent by 2030 from 1990 levels. In an emergency, it can power a shelter for Albany residents. As we pointed out at that time, Cuomo building a fracked-gas-powered microgrid is just about the ultimate in hypocrisy. He blocks fracking in NY, and he even blocks the pipelines needed to flow gas from PA into NY. But hypocrisy doesn’t bother Lord Cuomo. The project is on track to select a contractor by the end of March, and begin construction by the end of this year. The plan is to have the new natgas-fired microgrid up and running by the end of 2019…
Read More “NY Moves Forward with Fracked Gas Microgrid in Middle of Albany”

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Antis Push Back on Albany, NY Tiny NatGas-Fired Electric Plant

It’s not supposed to work this way. Wednesday evening a “public meeting” was held in Albany, NY to share details about construction of a “state-of-the-art, locally-sourced mini-power grid” that will connect to the statewide electric grid but will also be able to operate independently, to power the Empire State Plaza in Albany–a complex of buildings in downtown Albany housing much of New York State government (see NY Gov Cuomo Building New Fracked Gas Elec Plant to Power Albany!). The energy-efficient microgrid, powered by fracked Pennsylvania Marcellus natural gas, will supply 90% of the power for the 98-acre downtown Albany complex, and is expected to save the Plaza more than $2.7 million in annual energy costs. Using the new micogrid to generate electricity in downtown Albany will remove more than 25,600 tons of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere each year–the equivalent of taking more than 4,900 cars off the road. What’s not to love, for an environmentalist? As it turns out, plenty. Some of the more rabid among Andrew Cuomo’s left-leaning base turned out to object to the project on Wednesday. Apparently they didn’t get the memo. Here in NY the corrupt Cuomo rules with an iron fist. This “public meeting” was not about the public objecting to His Lordship’s superior plans, it was about the public shutting up and listening to what’s coming. Don’t worry, Cuomo will make sure they don’t miss the second memo…
Read More “Antis Push Back on Albany, NY Tiny NatGas-Fired Electric Plant”

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Public Hearing Next Wk on Albany, NY Fracked Gas-Fired Electric Plant

In May MDN brought you the news that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had announced plans to construct a new “state-of-the-art, locally-sourced mini-power grid” that will connect to the statewide electric grid but will also be able to operate independently, to power the Empire State Plaza in Albany–a complex of buildings in downtown Albany housing much of New York State government (see NY Gov Cuomo Building New Fracked Gas Elec Plant to Power Albany!). The energy-efficient microgrid will supply 90% of the power for the 98-acre downtown Albany complex, and is expected to save the Plaza more than $2.7 million in annual energy costs. The project will also remove more than 25,600 tons of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere each year–the equivalent of taking more than 4,900 cars off the road–supporting New York’s goal to reduce emissions by 40 percent by 2030 from 1990 levels. The fuel that will power this engineering marvel? Fracked shale gas from the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale. Yep. Cuomo is a disgusting hypocrite. He won’t allow pipelines to bring in fracked gas, but he’s building a microgrid to power state government that uses that same fracked gas. Next Wednesday, Oct. 25, the NY State Power Authority and the Office of General Services will host a public information meeting to discuss the microgrid. There will no discussion of IF the plant gets built because Dictator-in-Chief Cuomo has decreed it. The meeting will be to parcel out details to the hoi polloi, so the little folk know what to (shut up and) expect…
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Albany Common Council Votes to Oppose Pilgrim’s (Pipeline) Progress

Pilgrim Pipeline
Pilgrim Pipeline – click map for larger version

Last November, MDN told you about Pilgrim Pipeline Holdings, developing an East Coast pipeline to carry refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil, and jet and aviation fuel northbound from Linden, New Jersey to Albany, New York (178 miles). In addition, a second Pilgrim pipeline will carry crude oil from Albany south to NJ and other locations. Two pipelines, side by side, liquids flowing through them in different directions (see Will Pilgrim Pipeline be Allowed to Settle in the NY World?). In April we told you about a strategy by New York anti-fossil fuel freakers to stop Pilgrim’s progress by using local town bans (see NY Antis Attempt to Stop Pilgrim Pipelines with Local Bans). Although it’s not a full-blown ban, the liberal Democrats who infest Albany, NY’s City Common Council voted on Monday night to approve a non-binding (i.e. toothless) resolution voicing their irrational opposition to the Pilgrim Pipeline project. Why? Because they view it as “an environmental risk” and a “public health hazard.” In other words, they have no reason why, other than to score political points with their base of crazy Democrat voters…
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RFK Jr Invokes Religion at Anti-Pipeline Rally in Albany, NY

A group of around 200 anti-fracking activists–or fractivists–protested at the steps of the New York State Capitol Building in Albany, NY yesterday. They were there nominally to protest Gov. Cuomo’s inevitable cave to allow the Constitution Pipeline to be built across the eastern portion of the state. However, the language from the speakers–in particular from the rather nutty Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (i.e. “Junior”)–was instructive. These people are fossil fuel haters–and their speeches dripped with their irrational hatred for all fossil fuels. Junior called fossil fuels “the dirtiest fuels from hell,” and then he called so-called renewable energy “patriotic fuels from heaven.” Some of you have laughed and poked fun at MDN, some of you have written us in anger, some have even unsubscribed when we have commented in the past on the hysterical and irrational antics of anti-fossil fuelers, pointing out that their belief in man-made global warming is religious and faith-based and NOT rooted in science. Junior’s own words yesterday are 100% vindication of our position. He couches the debate over fossil fuels in religious language. We were, and always have been, right about anti-drillers. The vast majority of antis don’t oppose drilling because of “water contamination” or “air pollution” or “methane migration” or any of a hundred other red herring excuses. They object because they fervently choose to believe in global warming, with no scientific evidence whatsoever, making all fossil fuels “evil” in their twisted worldview…
Read More “RFK Jr Invokes Religion at Anti-Pipeline Rally in Albany, NY”

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Albany Times Union’s Continued Obtuseness on Fracking

Last week MDN highlighted two new studies out that prove fracking doesn’t pollute water supplies (see New Study Finds Well Casings, Not Fracking, Cause Methane Migration and Federal NETL Study: Fracking Doesn’t Contaminate Water Supplies). Objective science proving that fracking is A-OK is anathema to liberal editors at publications like the Albany Times Union. What to do? Ah yes, write an editorial acknowledging those studies (because you can’t hide the news forever), and then lie about those studies by saying people still have “polluted” water…
Read More “Albany Times Union’s Continued Obtuseness on Fracking”

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Fate of NY Fracking Now in Hands of 7 Judge Court of Appeals

court gavelYesterday was an important day for the future of fracking in New York State. Attorneys Tom West (from Albany) and Scott Kurkoski (from Binghamton) argued before the New York State Court of Appeals, NY’s highest court, in the Dryden and Middlefield town ban cases. MDN has some of the comments made at the trial by both sides, a statement from the Joint Landowner’s Coalition of New York (JLCNY), and a rough estimate of when a decision will be rendered…
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Pivotal Court Date Next Week for Future of NY Fracking

Next week will prove to be one of the most important weeks in the entire debate over whether or not fracking will ever come, in a significant fashion, to New York State. MDN editor Jim Willis is often asked, “When will New York see fracking begin?” Our answer for the past year-and-a-half has been the same: When the Dryden/Middlefield town ban cases are finally decided. Next Tuesday oral arguments in those twin (and joined) cases will be heard in Albany…
Read More “Pivotal Court Date Next Week for Future of NY Fracking”

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NY Attorney General Files to Dismiss Norse Lawsuit, More Delays

The government of the State of New York–or rather certain government officials–continue to deny justice to residents in the state. The state’s supposed chief defender of the law, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, unbelievably has filed a motion to dismiss the Article 78 case filed by Norse Energy that would compel Gov. Andrew Cuomo, DEC Commissioner Joe Martens and State Health Commissioner Nirav Shah to stop their intentional obstruction and finalize shale drilling rules. Norse, and the residents of New York, have been denied justice for 5 1/2 long years, and now Schneiderman doesn’t even want to allow those people their day in court. The attempt, if successful, would be an unimaginable miscarriage of justice by the highest officials in the state. It is, in fact, government tyranny of its residents.

Norse’s legal beagle, Tom West, has filed a counter motion to the AG’s motion that points out the arrogance and huge legal holes in the AG’s arguments. In addition to delaying a hearing that was first set in January, then moved by the court to March, and now moved again to “sometime in April,” the court that will hear the case (Albany County Supreme Court) has decided to join a similar case brought by the 70,000-member Joint Landowners Coalition of New York to the Norse Energy case. West believes the AG will try to dismiss the JLCNY case as well (Schneiderman has no shame and actively works against his own constituents). Below is an update from The West Firm along with an announcement from the JLCNY about the further delay in their case…
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