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McClendon Deal Last June was HG Energy’s OH Utica Acreage/Wells

Columbus Business First is reporting that during this past summer’s wheeling and dealing by Aubrey McClendon and his American Energy Partners (see McClendon Buys 48K WV Marcellus Acres, 27K More OH Utica Acres), McClendon picked up HG Energy’s Ohio Utica Shale acreage–all 27,000 acres–along with HG’s already-drilled Utica Shale wells (in the June announcement HG was simply referred to as “an unnamed private company”). HG Energy has now fully exited the Utica Shale. Oh! Two of the HG wells purchased by McClendon as part of that deal were in the top 10 most productive wells in the state for 3Q14. Yet another smart move by Aubrey…
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Flip Side: Some OH Utica Shale Wells Get Plugged/Abandoned

When it comes to drilling in the Ohio Utica Shale, a lot of attention has been focused on the ramp up in activity—the growing number of drilling rigs, huge land lease deals, and eye-popping initial production results for some of the wells drilled. But there is another side to the story.

Every now and again, a well does not produce. Could be the driller did not properly find the shale layer (extremely rare). Could be they did find it but for whatever reason the layer doesn’t produce in that area. More likely there were problems during the drilling that caused the work to be stopped—like a broken-off drill bit. In Ohio, there have been nine Utica Shale wells that have been plugged and abandoned (so far). Here’s where they are located and who did the drilling:

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WV Energy Exec Says Marcellus Will Last 100+ Years

David Drennon is marketing and transportation manager with H.G. Energy LLC in Parkersburg, West Virginia. He spoke yesterday at the Parkersburg Rotary Club weekly meeting about development of natural gas from Marcellus Shale deposits and oil from Utica Shale deposits. He offered these observations and predictions about shale development in WV:

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