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Trend Accelerates: Pennsylvania Loses 2 More Rigs to West Virginia

A very big story is unfolding in the Marcellus/Utica, and nobody else is talking about it. There is a major reshuffling of rigs in the M-U, with Pennsylvania losing active rigs and West Virginia picking them up. Two weeks ago, PA dropped from 21 to 18 active rigs, the lowest count it has had in 2 1/2 years (see Pennsylvania Dropped 3 Rigs Last Week, Lowest Count in 2.5 Years). WV picked up one of those rigs, moving from five to six active rigs. Last week, the trend accelerated.
Read More “Trend Accelerates: Pennsylvania Loses 2 More Rigs to West Virginia”

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Onerous New Regs for PA Liquids Pipes, Landmen Go Live in November

In 2019, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) began formulating new regulations for intrastate pipelines transporting gasoline, petroleum, crude oil, and natural gas liquids like ethane. In July 2021, the PUC finally published a draft of new regulations (see PA PUC Proposes New Regs for Pipelines—Landmen Must be Licensed). The onerous regulations landed with a thud. The DEP and antis loved them; the oil and gas industry hated them. After another two years of tinkering, the PUC’s regs, all 314 pages of them, were approved in June and are about to be adopted as the equivalent of law in the Keystone State when they are published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin this month. They will become the equivalent of law (go into effect) in November. Read More “Onerous New Regs for PA Liquids Pipes, Landmen Go Live in November”

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Antis Attack Iroquois Plan to Expand Connecticut Compressor Stn

Iroquois Gas Transmission’s Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project would increase horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, to flow more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England. The two NY compressors include one in Dover and one in Athens. The CT compressor is located in Brookfield. The left, via the odious Food & Water Watch, has made a concerted effort to block the two NY compressor station upgrades (see Radicals Pressure NY Gov. Hochul to Block Iroquois Pipe Expansion). Now the left is making a run and blocking the Brookfield, CT, compressor upgrade via the odious Sierra Club and a fake “study” paid for by the Clubbers. Read More “Antis Attack Iroquois Plan to Expand Connecticut Compressor Stn”

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Va. Researcher “Novel Method” to Extract Lithium from M-U Brine

(From left) Graduate student Peidong Liu and mining and minerals engineering Associate Professor Wencai Zhang analyze water samples in the lab. Photo by Hailey Wade for Virginia Tech.

Researchers at Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering have developed a “novel method” for direct lithium extraction from Marcellus produced water to contribute to the high demand for electric vehicles and so-called green energy. The researchers are getting a $1.8 million grant from the Department of Energy to optimize and scale up this new technique. Read More “Va. Researcher “Novel Method” to Extract Lithium from M-U Brine”

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Utica Shale Academy Transforms Community Through Education

Federal, state and local officials gathered Aug. 23 to cut the ribbon outside the Utica Shale Academy Energy Training Center’s newly expanded space in Salineville (click for larger version)

The Utica Shale Academy (USA), located in Salineville (Columbiana County), OH, is already a decade old. Where does the time go?! The USA, through an innovative high school curriculum, serves as a leading educational institution for all students who seek to explore, develop, and enhance career opportunities and further advance their education. The curriculum trains kids and adults in the skills needed to get jobs in the shale industry. Several weeks ago, USA staffers, state and local officials, and community members held a luncheon and ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the USA’s Connecting Communities Through Workforce Training Project. USA was heralded as a “transformative beacon for the community and education of youth and adults.” Read More “Utica Shale Academy Transforms Community Through Education”

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Boston LNG Import Terminal is Poster Child for Bad U.S. Policies

Over the years, we’ve written many posts about the Everett LNG import terminal near Boston (see our stories here). Everett LNG plays a key role in keeping the lights on and the furnaces belching heat throughout New England (see Everett LNG’s Key Role in Keeping the Lights on in New England). The Everett terminal has 3.4 Bcf of LNG storage capacity and plays a crucial role in stabilizing gas supplies in New England. Everett can supply up to 35% of regional gas demand on peak winter days — and is typically used to fill supply gaps during high-demand periods or when regional gas systems are under significant stress. Everett is also a poster child for what’s wrong with American energy policy. Read More “Boston LNG Import Terminal is Poster Child for Bad U.S. Policies”


Harris Hires Director of Gas Stove Ban Effort for Climate Outreach

Oh yeah, Kamala “The Cackler” Harris is all in favor of fracking and natural gas and even oil. Right? Then why the heck did her campaign just hire Camila Thorndike, a self-styled “climate hype girl for democracy” who worked for two years at Rewiring America, the organization pushing a nationwide ban on natural gas stoves, as the campaign’s point person on climate outreach? These are the questions mainstream media should be asking, but mainstream media has become the de facto PR agency for the Democrat Party. You are being lied to every day about Harris and her true intentions. Read More “Harris Hires Director of Gas Stove Ban Effort for Climate Outreach”

Other Stories of Interest: Mon, Sep 9, 2024

MARCELLUS/UTICA REGION: Protestors interrupt forum featuring Manchin and Capito; PJM considers fast-track review for shovel-ready generating projects; NATIONAL: Oil settles down 2%, big weekly drop after US jobs data; Why has the green hydrogen hype faded?; Bernie Sanders says Kamala Harris is lying to win; Democrat voters have been hypnotized by media flunkies.
Read More “Other Stories of Interest: Mon, Sep 9, 2024”