Dem Politicians Pressure NY Gov to Block Iroquois Pipe Expansion

The Food & Water Watch (FWW) organization (anti-fossil fuel fanatics) has taken point on the left’s effort to block Iroquois Gas Transmission’s plan to upgrade compressor stations in the Empire State. Iroquois’ Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project increases horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, flowing more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England. FWW held a “rally” (we’d call it a freak show) at the State Capitol in May, where various politicos joined paid protesters to put on a dog-and-pony-show for the cameras, delivering 8,000 form letters to Gov. Hochul’s office (see Radicals Keep Pressure on NY Gov. Hochul to Block Iroquois Upgrade). Yesterday, FWW reassembled largely the same group for another “we hate fossil fuels” rally, this time in wealthy, snobbish Westchester County. Some 69 Democrat politicians, along with paid protesters, were in attendance.
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