NY Whistling Past the Graveyard by Blocking New Gas-Fired Plants
Living in New York State, as MDN editor Jim Willis does, is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. You can see it coming; you warn those nearby to get off the tracks and leave the area, but no one is listening. We’re talking about the coming brownouts and blackouts across the state (especially in New York City) due to the state’s climate policies blocking new natural gas-fired power plants. This past summer, Danskammer Energy, which operates a gas-fired peaker power plant along the Hudson River in Newburgh, NY, withdrew its request to expand the plant (see Danskammer Energy Gives Up Trying to Expand Gas-Fired Peaker in NY). Everyone—environmentalists and pro-gas advocates alike—is asking, Has New York built its last fossil fuel plant? It appears the answer is YES. Read More “NY Whistling Past the Graveyard by Blocking New Gas-Fired Plants”