WV Landowner Lawsuit Against EQT, Diversified re Old Wells Continues
In June 2018, MDN exclusively brought our readers the news that Diversified Gas & Oil (now called Diversified Energy) had purchased EQT Corporation’s Huron Shale assets, with a bunch of conventional wells, in Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia for $575 million (see Diversified Gas & Oil Adds to Conventional Assets in KY, VA, WV). A few months later, the West Virginia Surface Owners’ Rights Organization (WVSORO) accused EQT of selling off its conventional wells to avoid having to plug them (see WV Surface Owners Accuse EQT of Selling Wells Should be Plugged). Two years ago, in July 2022, Big Green groups used a couple of WV landowners in an attempt to launch a class action against EQT and Diversified (see Big Green Uses WV Landowners to Sue EQT, Diversified re Old Wells). There have been recent developments in the case.
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