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MarkWest Announces Commitment for Mariner East NGL Pipeline

Not only has Range Resources announced they will take capacity on the Mariner East natural gas liquids pipeline (see this MDN story), MarkWest Energy Partners also announced they are another one of the customers for the new pipeline. MarkWest intends to ship ethane and propane from their Houston, PA processing and fractionation plant to the newly revamped Sunoco Marcus Hook refinery near Philadelphia where it will be re-mixed and sold, both domestically and internationally (exported).

From the MarkWest press release:

Read More “MarkWest Announces Commitment for Mariner East NGL Pipeline”

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Shell Reaffirms PA Cracker Plant Still Planned, Not Certain

As MDN has previously cautioned, although the proposed ethane cracker plant Shell wants to build near Pittsburgh is looking good, it’s still not a foregone conclusion that Monaca, PA will be the location (see this MDN story). That message of caution was reaffirmed by Shell at an industry conference yesterday, as reported by the Youngstown Business Journal:

Read More “Shell Reaffirms PA Cracker Plant Still Planned, Not Certain”

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MarkWest Signs Deal with XTO to Process NGLs in PA

MarkWest has just signed a deal with XTO Energy (XTO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Exxon Mobil) to extend MarkWest’s natural gas liquids (NGLs) gathering pipeline in Butler County, PA to XTO’s processing plant. Previously MarkWest announced plans to extend the same pipeline from its Houston, PA complex to the Bluestone complex in Butler County. With this announcement, MarkWest will further extend the pipeline from Bluestone to XTO’s plant.

This deal will grant MarkWest the right to fractionate and market NGLs from XTO. Adding this new pipeline to other recently announced pipelines by MarkWest, when everything is built and running, MarkWest will have 3 billion cubic feet of gas processing capacity and 270,000 barrels per day of fractionation capacity throughout the Marcellus and Utica Shale.

Read More “MarkWest Signs Deal with XTO to Process NGLs in PA”