2 New Nominations to Frack Under (NOT On) Salt Fork State Park, OH
In February, the Ohio Oil & Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) met to award contracts to drill under (not on) several Ohio state parks, including 5,700 acres of the 20,000-acre Salt Fork State Park in Guernsey County (see Ohio Awards Drilling Contracts for State Parks – Salt Fork Surprise). The contract for Salt Fork was awarded to Infinity Natural Resources. Then, in June, the OGLMC received a new nomination to drill under another 2,300 acres of Salt Fork State Park (see Mystery Driller Asks Ohio to Lease More of Salt Fork State Park). And now, two more parcels have been nominated for drilling under (not on) the park, totaling an additional 884 acres. Read More “2 New Nominations to Frack Under (NOT On) Salt Fork State Park, OH”